Ranking Profile - Hiwin Technologies Corp


Hiwin Technologies Corp (Hiwin) carries out the production and sale of ball screws and a series of motion control products. The company manufactures quite linear guideways, positioning linear guideways, roller-type linear guideways, MG series miniature linear guideways, industrial robots, single-axis robots, multi-axis robots, ballscrews, aerospace automation equipment parts, and medical robots. Hiwin’s other products include linear bearing, end effector, linear actuator and positioning measurement system. It also operates research and development centers in Tokyo, Japan, and Offenburg, Germany. The company operates in Germany, the US, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, France, Italy and China. Hiwin is headquartered in Taichung, Taiwan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Taiwan
Sector: Industrial Goods and Machinery
Market Cap (US$ m): 2,821
Revenue (US$ m): 984 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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